21 Club, New York 1981
From $25.00
Continental Airlines, 1970s
Butch Dog Food, 1960s
Jake's, Pewaukee WI 1970s
Motonave Saturnia, Capri 1956
Motonave Saturnia, Liguria 1956
Hotel Bahia, Enseneda Mexico 1950s
Steam Ship Manoa, Matson Lines 1930
Motonave Oceania, 1930s
Le Pavilion Henri IV, France 1950s Menu Art by Jan Mara
The Hofbrau and Cocktail Lounge, San Francisco 1945
Cotton Club, New York 1930s
The Coral Reef, Millbrae 1947
Don The Beachcomber, Hawaii 1956
From $30.00
Paul's Fisherman's Galley, Redondo Beach 1960s
The Willard Hotel, Louisville Kentucky 1892
KLM, Artist's Impression Of A Dutch Fairground - Jo Klingers, 1955
Harry's Bar, Firenze (Florence) 1950s
California Zephyr, San Francisco Cable Car Room 1969
TMV Willem Ruys, Royal Rotterdam Lloyd 1962