California Limited, Fred Harvey Dining Car Service 1906
From $25.00
Wimpy's, Los Angeles 1940s
Chi Chi, Palm Springs 1947
Cocoanut Grove Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles 1970s
Cocoanut Grove Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles 1964
Shadows, San Francisco 1940s
The Paul Cummins Huddle at the Springs, Palm Springs, California 1970s
St Catherine's Hotel, Catalina 1939
Rene's, Fresno 1970s
Ship Mates Drive-In, Laguna Beach 1950s
Wilson's, San Francisco 1933
Cliff House, San Francisco, 1970s
Grisinger's, Long Beach 1951
Toed Inn, Los Angeles 1953
Botwin's, Los Angeles 1930s
Palm Springs Town & Country Restaurant 1950s
The Clock, Home of Chubby, the Champ, California 1953
Mermaid and Oyster Shell 1940s detail
Tiny Naylors, Los Angeles 1963
Rex Restaurant, San Francisco 1942